Facility Engineer

Sibiu, Romaniathyssenkrupp Bilstein SA

Type of contract:Full-time, Permanent
Experience level:Professionals
Remote work:Not possible
Job field:Production & Manufacturing
Status:Ongoing recruitment, entry date flexible
Posting date:2024/10/23
Job number:JPT_ALL00971
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Your responsibilities

  • Vei contribui la optimizarea proceselor existente din domeniul facility management
  • Vei monitoriza lunar consumurile energetice si vei face raportari catre Facility Manager
  • Vei propune si vei participa la proiecte de eficientizare consumuri energetice
  • Vei prelua notificările de defeciuni, le vei prioritiza i vei transmite comenzile de lucrări către prestatorii contractai
  • Vei solicita oferte pentru încheierea contractelor cu prestatorii de servicii din domeniul facility management
  • Vei intocmi Planul annual de mentenanta preventiva
  • Vei asigura respectarea termenelor de efectuare a lucrărilor de revizii i mentenană preventivă
  • Vei oferi sprijin în probleme de facility management i în realizarea periodică a inventarelor echipamentelor
  • Vei monitoriza în mod permanent costurile i bugetele de facility management, vei întocmi rapoarte periodice de costuri i vei contribui la formarea bugetelor anuale
  • Vei verifica întocmirea corectă a facturilor de facility management i a rapoartelor de lucrări ce stau la baza lor
  • Vei oferi sprijin în derularea proceselor de daune acoperite de asigurări
  • Vei întocmi rapoarte periodice privind diverse aspecte din domeniul facility management.
  • Este responsabil de coordonarea furnizorilor de servicii, indeplinirii clauzelor contractuale si daca isi desfasoara activitatea conform cerintelor societatii;
  • Respecta procedurile Sistemului Integrat de Management
  • Respecta politica firmei cu privire la Managementul Calitatii.

Your profile

  • Să ai studii superioare tehnice finalizate
  • Să ai cunotine avansate de operare Microsoft Office (Excel, Power Point, Word)
  • Să cunoti limba engleză. Cunotinele de limbă germană reprezintă un avantaj
  • Să ai abilităi de comunicare foarte bune i capacitate analitică
  • Să dai dovadă de proactivitate, perseverenă i orientare către rezultate
  • Să ai aptitudini foarte bune de organizare i planificare a timpului, atenie sporită la detalii.



Important to us

Health & Safety

Highest health & safety standards and a wide range of health promotion and healthcare activities.

Highest health & safety standards and a wide range of health promotion and healthcare activities.

We value diversity

thyssenkrupp values and promotes diversity in all areas of the company. We actively combat discrimination and foster an open, tolerant working environment that welcomes different backgrounds and perspectives.

We therefore welcome all applications - regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social background, religion/belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity. What matters is the applicant's individual motivation and potential.

People with disabilities will be given appropriate support in the application process and in the performance of their job functions as well as in accessing employer benefits.


From receiving your documents to acceptance: the application process

Step 1

Online application

Have you found an interesting vacancy? Then apply online. You won’t need more than 10 minutes. The entire application process – from initial contact to response – usually takes between four and six weeks.

Notes on application

You will have submitted your online application to thyssenkrupp in no time! As long as the position is available on our career page, you have the opportunity to apply.

We have adapted the application process to the current situation and conduct our interviews by video (not in the U.S.), telephone and also personally - in compliance with the applicable and necessary distance and hygienic rules. You will receive detailed information on this topic from our recruiting experts during the application process, while you can find general information and application tips here finden.

Further information about thyssenkrupp, our products and locations can be found directly on the company website.

We wish you every success with your application and stay healthy!


Move things forward with us - as colleagues and above all as a team.
Because together we dare to do something new and take things into our own hands.

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