Product Engineer

Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Chinathyssenkrupp Springs & Stabilizers (Pinghu) Co.,Ltd

Vertragsart:Full-time, Permanent
Home Office:No specification
Einsatzbereich:Engineering & Science
Status:Laufende Rekrutierung, Eintrittsdatum flexibel
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1. SORRFQ, The candidate should have good understanding of customer requirement from technical perspective, can design and develop the product (incl. spring, stabilizer and related components and tools) which fulfils customer requirement. She or He should have the capability to read RFQ, SOR and is responsible for the technical quotation and technical review. 2. She or he should have close contact with product and quality department from the customer regarding technical information, can transfer the customer requirement to internal product requirement, will help develop the product from design to SOP. 3. ,She or he is responsible for the product design and design validation, and is also responsible for the correctness and feasibility for this design. She or he will make the technical specification for the product, follow up, summarize, and discuss with customer, to make sure both side have the same understanding. 4. She or he will provide technical support for prototype manufacturing, and help confirming the prototype fulfils customer requirement. 5. D-FMEAAPQPP-FMEAPPAP;She or he is responsible for DFMEA by using a global template, and provide technical support for other department to make APQP, PFMEA, PPAP documentation. 6. DVPPVPShe or he can make drawing according to customer requirement, fully and accurate understand drawing and all technical requirement, is responsible for DVP and helping quality department making PVP, follow up with DV test and new product validation tests. 7. BOMMaking E-BOM for SAP system, making technical specification for internal and external supplier. Help process development to make correct, robust, accurate technical documentations, and helping production by providing technical support. 8. ,Follow up business trend, summarize, and collect benchmarking information. 9. Making new product development plan, feasibility study for design and other quality system related documents. 10. Responsible for the communication of technical issues between headquarter in Germany and other plants in other regions, make sure the transparency of the information and good team work. 11. Comply with the company's OSH policies, compliance policies, etc


1) Bachelor degree or above in mechanical engineering, automotive engineering or similar. 2) 5/at least 5 years of professional experience in the automotive/automotive supplier industry in product engineering of sheet metal, plastic and rubber components. Experience in the design of cost competitive sheet metal components and the related tool design. 3) Familiar with metal and heat treatment process; 4) CATIAAUTOCADYou are experienced in using CAD, esp. Catia V5/V6 3D, 2D and sheet metal design. 5) PPAP,APQP,SPC,FMEA,DOE,PRO-E, Master and could apply five core tools of IATF16949, such as D-FMEA, APQP,PPAP, MSA and SPC. 6) An analytical and structured way of working and a committed demeanor characterize you. 7) FEAHyperform.FEA skills esp. in Altair Hyperworks suite in pre- and postprocessing and it’s tools like e.g. Hyperform. 8) MS-OfficePronounced social skills as well as an open interaction with people and employees at all levels into your daily work. Good MS-Office skills. Strong English language skills in speaking and writing is mandatory.

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Höchste Standards für Arbeitssicherheit sowie vielseitige Gesundheitsförderung und -vorsorge.

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