Technical Lead Steering Gear (EPAS)

Fishers, Indiana, Egyesült Államokthyssenkrupp Presta North America LLC

Szerződés típusa:Teljes munkaidő, Határozatlan idejű
Tapasztalati szint:Szakembereknek
Távoli munkavégzés:Lehetséges
Munkaterület:Mérnök és tudomány
Állapot:Folyamatos munkaerő-felvétel, rugalmas belépési dátum
Hirdetés időpontja:2025. 03. 04
Állás száma:US_RS_07907
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Technical Lead Steering Gear (EPAS) for Fishers, IN to coordinate customer-related aspects of projects to develop and launch electrical power assisted steering gears (EPAS); meet project cost, quality & technical performance targets and deadlines for assigned products; plan & track project milestones; align technical system components; lead analysis of customer requirements & root cause analysis of customer issues; coordinate design changes; evaluate, analyze & contribute to product optimization initiatives; identify & mitigate project risks; lead customer and supplier meetings; coordinate project stakeholders & engineering activities.


Requires Bachelor’s in Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering or closely related field & 2 yrs experience in an automotive environment: working directly with automotive customers to design and develop safety critical automotive mechatronic systems; developing detailed plans for automotive mechatronic projects, including setting resource requirements, milestones, timelines, & targets; coordinating and/or working with project teams to develop & launch automotive mechatronic products and/or systems; performing resource & budget planning for automotive mechatronic projects; working with automotive customers to resolve project engineering issues & implement design changes; using product lifecycle management (PLM) and/or product data management software (PDM) to track product development from concept to final release; using automotive toolchains for mechatronic components, including CAD, DOORS, Teamcenter and/or PLM; and applying DMAIC, 8-D and/or Fishbone methodologies to identify & implement product optimization opportunities. Up to 30% U.S. and/or int’l travel req’d. Position may telecommute from home office location within reasonable commuting distance of Fishers, IN up to 2 days per wk.


We only accept online applications submitted through the 'Apply Now' button on this job posting. You can find all current job openings on our career site at: Thank you for your interest in joining our team!


If you are an applicant with a California residency, please click on the following link: California Job Applicant Notice of Collection

thyssenkrupp Notice of Fraudulent Job Offers

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Egészség & biztonság

A legmagasabb szintű biztonsági és egészségügyi követelményeknek felelünk meg és biztonságos munkavégzést biztosítunk minden kollégánk számára.

A legmagasabb szintű biztonsági és egészségügyi követelményeknek felelünk meg és biztonságos munkavégzést biztosítunk minden kollégánk számára.

Értékeljük a sokszínűséget

thyssenkrupp Presta North America, LLC is an equal opportunity employer, including people with disabilities and veterans.

Applicants with disabilities who need reasonable accommodation during the application process are encouraged to contact us at


Our Automotive Technology business is passionate about the automotive industry and produces as well as markets high-tech automotive components worldwide. With over 20,000 employees, we are responsible for the success of this business. Our product and service range includes chassis technologies such as steering and damper systems and the assembly of axle systems as well as powertrain components for conventional and alternative engines. We also develop assembly systems for body-in-white construction and produce lightweight car body components in series.

thyssenkrupp Presta North America is a global leader in automotive components technology and the leading steering systems supplier for the automotive industry. thyssenkrupp Presta North America provides the industry with high-quality manual and electric steering columns, rack and pinion steering gears, and electric power assisted steering gears. thyssenkrupp Presta North America is part of the thyssenkrupp Presta AG group, headquartered in Eschen, Liechtenstein. In 2003, our manufacturing facility was established in the South Industrial Park of Terre Haute, Indiana. Beginning with just one assembly line, a handful of employees and 58,000 square feet, the company has grown to over 450 employees and 224,000 square feet. In addition, we have an office on northeast side of Indianapolis where the Procurement and Supplier Development Department, Business Development and Product Engineering are now located. We have a third location in Troy, Michigan which houses our Sales Engineering, Logistics Distribution Center for USA, and Customer Resident Engineering.

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Már csak néhány lépés választ el attól, hogy beküldd a jelentkezésedet valamely nyitott pozícióra a thyssenkrupphoz.

Amennyiben az adott álláslehetőség nyitott a karrieroldalon, lehetőséged van azt megpályázni. A kiválasztási folyamatot a jelenlegi pandémiás helyzethez igazítottuk, és az interjúkat online, telefonon és személyesen is folytatjuk - természetesen betartva a megfelelő higiéniai és biztonsági előírásokat. Ezekről a biztonsági előírásokról a toborzó kollégáink részletesen is tájékoztatni fognak a kiválasztási folyamat során.

További általános információt és tippeket a jelentkezéshez pedig itt találhatsz.

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