Operation IT Manufacturing Service Manager (m/​f/​d)

Eschen, Liechtensteinthyssenkrupp Presta AG

Vertragsart:Vollzeit, Unbefristet
Home Office:Möglich
Status:Laufende Rekrutierung, Eintrittsdatum flexibel
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  • Your core task in the area of Operation-IT Manufacturing Service Management is to support us in the development, implementation and maintainability of IT systems with a focus on Operational Technology (OT) in global production operations
  • Drive the standardisation of OT services in collaboration with our stakeholders
  • You actively support the development and integration of new software solutions in the manufacturing area
  • As a product owner, you take on responsibility
  • You are the interface to the global IT, OT and Manufacturing Engineering teams
  • You also conduct training courses in an international environment


  • You have acquired your knowledge in an IT degree programme or corresponding training
  • Experienced in the technical design and implementation of IT system requirements you focus on solutions
  • You have a passion for IT and new technologies, ideally in the field of manufacturing
  • In addition to German, you can also express yourself well in English (written and spoken)
  • The willingness to travel occasionally rounds off your profile

Das bieten wir

For us, it is a matter of course to offer you optimal framework conditions in addition to attractive employment conditions and social benefits.

This includes:

  • Flexible working time models
  • Ergonomic workstations, fruit days, our own fitness and training facilities, weekly sports courses, running clubs and other flexible health promotion and prevention offers
  • A company pension plan that is highly subsidized by the employer
  • A wide range of internal and external training opportunities, e.g. via the thyssenkrupp Academy, recognized external institutions or internal event formats
  • Subsidized and balanced lunch menus in our canteen and snacks from vending machines
  • Regular company events (e.g. summer barbecue, ski day, Christmas party)
  • Discounts at various stores and partners


Frederic Sent

Human Resources

thyssenkrupp Presta AG
Essanestrasse 10
9492 Eschen
Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Phone: +423 377 2347
Mail: recruiting.presta@thyssenkrupp-automotive.com

We fill this position without the support of personnel service providers.

Das ist uns wichtig

Sicherheit & Gesundheit

Höchste Standards für Arbeitssicherheit sowie vielseitige Gesundheitsförderung und -vorsorge.

Höchste Standards für Arbeitssicherheit sowie vielseitige Gesundheitsförderung und -vorsorge.

Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt

Therefore we welcome all applications, irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic and social background, religion and beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation and identity.


Together with the world’s leading automotive manufacturers thyssenkrupp Presta brings the future mobility on the road with its steering technology day by day. The automotive environment is being shaped by autonomous driving, connectivity and powertrain electrification. Get on board and join our team at thyssenkrupp Presta!

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Wir haben den Bewerbungsprozess den aktuellen Bedingungen angepasst und führen unsere Vorstellungsgespräche per Video, Telefon und auch persönlich – unter Einhaltung der geltenden und notwendigen Abstands- und Hygieneregeln durch. Detaillierte Informationen dazu erhältst Du von uns im Laufe des Bewerberprozesses während Du hingegen allgemeine Informationen sowie Bewerbungstipps hier findest.

Weitere Informationen über thyssenkrupp, unsere Produkte und Standorte findest Du direkt auf der Unternehmenswebseite.

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Werde Teil der #GENERATIONTK

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Denn gemeinsam wagen wir Neues und nehmen die Dinge in die Hand.

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